Denizli combined cycle plant to power Turkey with 775MW electricity

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Start-up of the delayed 775 MW Denizli power plant, developed at a cost of €600 million under a joint venture between RWE and Turcas, is expected to take place soon, according to RWE. The combined cycle gas turbine plant was initially planned to commence full commercial operation at the end of 2012.


The plant uses a Siemens SGT5 4000 F gas turbine, supplied in April 2011 within a design based on two lines incorporating a gas turbine, generators and a waste heat boiler. The working cycle of the power plant will involve both gas and steam turbines and the plant’s capacity will amount to 775 MW, which will allow supply of electricity to two provinces of Turkey. The power plant is expected to be ready for commissioning by the end of this year.

Turkey recently completed the construction of this combined cycle plant, which is said to be the largest in Europe. The plant, located two kilometers north of the Kaklik municipality in Turkey, has an official efficiency rating of 56 percent and it is expected to meet 2 percent of total electricity production in Turkey while consuming gas at a rate of 1 billion cubic meters per year.