GE ARPA-E Funding


$4.2 million for decarbonization research

GE Gas Power is receiving $4.2 million in funding from the ARPA-E program for decarbonization technology development. GE Gas Power’s funding is focused on two projects, “Lifted-flame combustion for high-hydrogen reheat gas turbines” and “Manufacturing high-yield investment castings with minimal energy”. As part of these projects, GE will conduct research for gas turbine decarbonization with industrial and educational partners.

Turbine Lifted-Flame Combustion

The first project will investigate a novel lifted-flame combustion approach for gas turbine engines powered by natural gas and hydrogen. Gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) combustion technology aims to remove material limits for new gas turbines and installed base retrofits. They hope to create a new GTCC growth trajectory, targeting net plant efficiencies of 67% or greater on a wide range of fuel compositions.

The project will take place at GE’s Gas Turbine Technology Centre in Greenville, South Carolina. The initial testing will be conducted at the Atlanta-based Georgia Institute for Technology, a research university focused on engineering and gas turbine combustion.

Investment Casings

Second on the list, this project will develop 3D printed additive ceramic mould technologies for gas turbines. The new system could produce cast parts using up to 90% less energy over traditional methods, as well as provide improved quality, consistency, and yield.

“The highly diverse energy mix of the future will demand that we are more flexible and responsive than ever before to fulfilling our customer needs for gas turbine components” says Tom Amond, Emerging Technology Incubator at GE Gas Power.

GE Gas Power will develop this advanced solution in collaboration with DDM Systems, a company known for the precision investment castings of complex engineered components, with technical support from the GE Global Research Centre in Niskayuna, New York.

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