A new air filtration system from Altair, the ODSY vCell, is said to have hydrophobic properties combined with high efficiency performance, which is likely to provide gas turbine protection against environmental challenges. Often, high levels of small particulate in the form of sand, dust and shot-debris from drilling, salt aerosols in offshore and coastal locations, and harsh weather conditions threaten the performance and health of gas turbines as they are installed in remote locations such as deserts, jungles, offshore platforms and FPSOs.
(Field trials show significant reductions in gas turbine output degradation between filter washes)
The ODSY vCell has a filtration efficiency grade of E12 per EN1822:2009, equal to a minimum 99.5 percent of MPPS. It is said to have an extended filtration surface area that ensures low-pressure loss and supports extended filter life. Clean pressure loss at the rated flow of 5300m3/h is 260Pa. With salt removal performance of 99.9999974 percent, the Altair ODSY filter is likely to set a new standard in corrosion protection.
Field trials show significant reductions in gas turbine output degradation between filter washes, leading to increased overall generated output with major financial benefits. Trials in high-moisture, high-salt coastal sites also show negligible corrosion of turbine blades after 20,000 fired hours – a marked contrast with typical experience using conventional filters.
The Altair ODSY vCell is made using fully potted pleated panels to provide a complete seal and is mounted within a rugged, impact resistant ABS plastic frame that incorporates tough protective grids on the downstream surface. These contribute to a high burst pressure rating of 25” WG; more than adequate for the severe under-pressure conditions that can be experienced in gas turbine applications. The ODSY cell is sealed into its housing by means of a one-piece polyurethane foam gasket to ensure leak-free performance.
Keith White, President of CLARCOR Industrial Air said, “Every filter company out there stacks up comparably when it comes to standard tests – you wouldn’t survive if you couldn’t. We put the focus on how filtration affects your expensive assets – the multimillion dollar turbines these filters are designed to protect. The differentiator comes from working with a large turbine manufacturer to understand turbine performance. Even a few percentage points of improved performance represent large sums in maintenance costs, or more revenue, due to increased power generation.”
Formerly a part of GE Water and Power, CLARCOR Industrial Air has locations in Overland Park, KS 66211 USA and Alton UK, and has nearly 50 years of experience in industrial air filtration.