Phoenix Capital Group Initiates Scholarship Program for Aspiring Industry Professionals

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Phoenix Capital Group is launching a $15,000 scholarship program for students pursuing careers in the oil and gas industry, offering support for relevant degree programs, and rewarding academic excellence.

Phoenix Capital Group Holdings, an enterprise specializing in oil and gas mineral rights acquisition and non-operated working interest, has introduced a new scholarship program. The Phoenix Capital Group Scholarship aims to support students seeking a career in the oil and gas sector by acknowledging and rewarding academic excellence. The program offers a $15,000 scholarship to students enrolled in degree programs related to the industry, such as petroleum engineering, facilitating the achievement of their educational and career objectives.

Applicants for the Phoenix Capital Group Scholarship must submit their high school GPA on a 4.0 scale and the GPA for any college courses taken thus far. The application process also requires candidates to submit an essay, no more than 2,000 words, expressing their interest in an oil and gas industry career, their vision for making a significant contribution to the field, the challenges they anticipate facing in the industry, and a strategy to overcome these obstacles.

The scholarship is also open to prospective college freshmen. If applicants have not yet declared a major, they can indicate their undeclared status but express their intent to pursue a field of study related to the oil and gas sector.


The application deadline for the scholarship is Friday, June 30, 2023. Following the deadline, Phoenix Capital Group will select one recipient for the $15,000 scholarship. The winner will be notified via email and given one week to accept the award. If the winner does not accept within this timeframe, an alternative recipient will be chosen.

All applications must be submitted by June 30th to Phoenix Capital Group in order to qualify.