Alstom recently completed the implementation of the first M-upgrades on two GT11N2 gas turbines installed in Central Geradora Termelétrica Fortaleza (CGTF), a combined cycle power plant owned by Enel in northeast Brazil.
The M-upgrade is a product developed by Alstom that is said to enhance power output, efficiency and availability of the gas turbine in a flexible way through extended intervals between outages. In the case of CGTF, the product increased the capacity by more than 8MW for each gas turbine.
The upgrades were successfully implemented within the 30 days window of a regular major scheduled outage, part of a contract award to Alstom in 2013 for maintenance of gas turbines, including support on site and remote support for all types of inspections until 2023.
Michael Rechsteiner, Senior Vice President of Alstom Thermal Services said, “This is an important milestone for us. The completion of this task reinforces that our technology and technical support will ensure high availability of the plant with a safe and reliable operation”.
Alstom has supplied similar equipment and services for gas-fired power plants such as UTE Leonel Brizola, UTE Fernando Gasparian and Celso Furtado (Petrobras) and for CSA Siderúrgica do Atlântico (ThyssenKrupp).