Jobs at a company using microturbines

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 FlexEnergy Inc (, a clean tech business with the breakthrough solution to create clean energy with near zero emissions from harmful greenhouse gases, is now armed by the State of New Hampshire's Job Training Fund to train upwards of 20 new people it will hire to fuel the company's expansion. Following active hiring at its Irvine, Calif. headquarters and the completed acquisition of Ingersoll Rand's Energy Systems business in January, FlexEnergy Inc has become one of the fastest growing clean tech companies, escalating from 10 to over 100 employees in the past two years alone. The company is one of six recipients of a total of over $325,000 for training more than 330 new workers in New Hampshire.



FlexEnergy Inc's Portsmouth, N.H. facilities were visited last week by CNN's "The Situation Room" to spotlight one of the challenges of hiring in the clean tech sector - the lack of skilled workers for manufacturing the complex technology. The Job Training Fund sets aside up to two million dollars per year to address this problem by increasing the state's workforce skill level to support growing job sectors in clean technology and manufacturing.


"The state's grant will help us continue to hire and train quality employees to deliver innovative technology to our customers including the federal government, one of the largest single energy consumers," said Joseph Perry, CEO of FlexEnergy Inc.