Mitsubishi Power upgrades gas turbines at Senoko Energy

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The upgraded turbines show increased thermal efficiency with heat rate improvement

Mitsubishi Power has completed upgrade works for two GTCC power plants with M701F gas turbines at Senoko Energy in Singapore. This has helped to improve energy efficiency and reduce approximately 15,000 tons of carbon emissions annually.

The upgrade is part of a long-term service agreement concluded under a consortium with Mitsubishi Corporation. Mitsubishi Power applied its latest gas turbine technologies to the M701F gas turbine, achieving a heat rate improvement by reducing the volume of cooling air, which results in reduced carbon emissions.


Work on the upgrade and LTSA began on June 21, 2019, as part of Senoko Energy’s efforts to improve energy efficiency and decarbonize in line with Singapore’s Carbon Pricing Act, which saw subsidies for company efforts that led to reductions in carbon emissions.