This paper explores the design, balancing, and monitoring of high-speed couplings in hydrogen systems, focusing on adaptability, material considerations, and future outlook.
Reuter-Stokes explores how the elimination of flame sensor water cooling can significantly enhance gas turbine reliability and uptime.
Modernization options for ammonia syngas trains can meet a wide range of plant requirements for uptime, efficiency, costs, and footprint.
Newer lube oil units offer advantages over conventional systems via lower power consumption and associated carbon emissions.
The COVID-19 pandemic and recent weather emergencies have accelerated the need for expert remote operations and maintenance support. Mitsubishi Power explores solutions.
In this paper, we will explore the multifaceted challenges associated with handling CO2, the advanced technologies within Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Compressor’s growing portfolio and how our expertise is driving the transition towards a carbon-neutral society.
Expander-compressor units provide refrigeration for extracting heavier hydrocarbon components while having low energy costs.
Dynamic simulation of compressor anti-surge system demands special care.
Hydrogen transport and storage are technically challenging and present significant operational and safety issues that must be addressed.
Managers from a gas-treating company investigated the effects of varnish on the vibration of bearing No.2 of a Siemens SGT 600 gas turbine.
Sponsored Content: At TPS 2023, Turbomachinery International spoke with Phillip Schuepbach, Business Development Manager at Rotoflow, An Air Products Business.